Noter Engelsk 2017

Noter til engelsk 2017, 9z


Juvenile crime and young offenders (9,5 ns)

Top 25 Crimes, Offenses and Violations 1 page

1. Theft/stealing,2. Vandalism, 3. Alcohol offences, 4. Disorder/fighting, 5. Assault, 6. Marihujuana, 7. Tobacco, 8. Curfew, 9. School offenses, 10. Traffic offences, 11. Truancy, 12. Trespass, 13. Mischief, 14. Drugs, 15. Harrasment, 16. Fraud, 17.Burglary, 18. False report, 19. Illegal grouphangouts, 20. Stolen property, 21. Weapons possession, 22. Reckless driving, 23. Resisting police, 24. Runaway, 25. Forbidden use of vehicles.

Columbine Highschool” 1 page.

A text about what happened at Columbine Highschool the 20. april 1999.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold planted bombs in the cafeteria with the intend to blow it up during lunchtime. When they did not go of, they went in and killed 13 and wounded 30 with handguns. They both commited suicide at Columbine.

Tears” by Jamie Rowen 0,5 page.

Poem about the reasons for Columbine Highschool. It was not just about movies, gun manufacturers, music, lyrics, insults with more. And no gun policy, drug ban and jail could prevent it. Instead – the moral is, that we all must look inside ourselves, ….”for what they didnt like in someone else, they saw in themselves”.

Please remember” P.s. Walker 0,5 page.

Poem about bullying, hurting, namecalling as sources to gun violence and an appeal to understand that everybody is someones son, daughter, pride, joy and center of someones universe.

Columbine Mother commits suicide” 1 page.

Newspaper article about a mother to one of the wounded on Columbine Highschool, who halfe a year after the massacre went into a gunshop and killed herself in 1999.

Emergency 911” 1 page.

A taped telephone call from a witness at Columbine calling 911. It reveals how the victims try to help a wounded pupil in the library and Science Area.

We need to talk about Kevin” 1,5 pages.

Is a novel by Lionel Shriver about a boy who kills several students with bow and arrows at his highschool. The novel is about his psycological state of mind, his upbringing, his misdeeds and his relation to his mother.

The right to bear arms” 2 pages

A dialogue between people about the Second Amendment who formulates, that every american has the right (and obligation) to bear arms to protect family and property.

One of them is a member of The National Arms and Rifle Association being very pro and for the second amandment. Other have a more open attitude towards the american gun problem.

Fordybelsesområde: South Africa (8,4 ns)

Meebook forløb: ”South Africa – before and after” 1 page.

A brief history about the South Africa, going back thousands of years and following the events from Anglo-Boer wars in 1869-1880, where the british troops won over the dutch boers. Britain later formed Sout Africa by joining its colonies.

Apartheid devlops as an informal practice during the 1800 century and becomes the official political system in 1948, sustained by more than 140 laws discriminating the blacks. Apartheid was abolished in 1994, whereafter Nelson Mandela became president.

One Country – many faces” 0,7 pages.

Text about the Koi and San tribes originally living in South Africa, the later africans from further up Africa, the indians from India, the coloureds – children of blacks and whites – all as different racial groups in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela – A happy childhood” 1 page.

About Nelson Mandelas childhood as a son of a chief living in a villages under the name Rolihlala. Five years old he looked after the sheeps, nature was his playground and he met african friends fighting with sticks in the fields. By night his father would tell about the Thembu and Xhosa legends. His mother – being a christian – told about Jesus.

Becomming a man”

About Mandelas youth and schooldays. He got his name – Nelson from the christian teacher at school, who refused to call the blacks by their african names. When his father died, he was nine years old. His mother then brought him to the Tempu king – where he was raised. Together with the kings real son, he joined a christian school and learned english, geography, history and Xhosa languange. He began to join church on sundays.

Because the Temphu king invited people to come to his great place to complaint or the like, Nelson learned how to speak in public by listening to the many conversations.

When he was 16 he was circumcised.

Further education” 1 page.

Nelson starts at boarding school where he is a pupil from he is 16 to 19 years old. Here he became a black englishman. Then he goes to Healtdown Methodist College, where his horizon is being broadened He also starts running and boxing. He becomes both more english and african in his attitudes.

21 years old he joins Fort Hare University for black people. He now has a suit and starts to study for becomming an interpreter. He picks up long distance running again. He plays in the school play.

Duyring WW II the university receives a british visitor (Jan Smuts) who tells, that everybody should help England against Nazi Germany. But shortly after he meets a student from ANC, and his views are now being changed. His eyes are being opened to what is going on in South Africas Apartheid system.

Nelson is being elected to the students commitee, but complications occur. He meets the woman he wants to marry, but being home at the Thembu kings place, he is told to marry another and return to school. He now starts to develop reallye independent thoughts on life in South Africa.

Johannesburg – here we come” 1 page.

Mandela gets his first job in Johannesburg at a laywers office being a clerk. He starts studying law by night.

A white colleague introduces Nelson to communism.

Nelson lives in Alexandre township – an overcrowded poor city with terrible living conditions, gangsters, violence and police raids.

The Temphu king visites Nelson in 1941, trying to get him to return home to the Temphu palace. The king realizes that Nelson is soon to be a laywer and lets him stay. He dies shortly after.

After this, Nelsons participation in the work of the ANC and the fight against apartheid intensifies, and during the fifties he both works as an lawyer and is intensely engaged in political work.

Prisonlife on Robben and Pilsmore” 1,5 page.

Nelson Mandela is put to prison in 1962 being accussed of telling people to strike and for leaving the country. He also carried a gun, when he was arrested. He is sentenced 5 years prison.

1963 he is brought to Robben Island Prison. Nelson is threatened on his life by a guard, but fights back by promising to bring the threats to court. Shortly after friends are being arrested, and he risks being accused of sabotage, which actually could bring him the death sentence. Instead of the death penalty for sabotage and armed revolting, he is together with eight other friends sentenced to life imprissonment.

Every day the prisoners at Robben Island have to work hard in a limestone quarry. But they are also allowed to study.

After three hard years, a sadistic ward is taken away, after the prison has been visited by a goverment parliament representative. Slowly the other guards start to treat the inmates better.

1968 Nelson is visited by his mother, sister and son plus daughter.

Later his wife Winnie is put to jail for being an ANC member and his son dies.

1970 british member of Parliamen visits Nelson – again the prison conditions are becomming better.

1976 Nelson is visited twice twice by the Minister of Justice. Nelson is offered his freedom, if he supports the governments apartheid policies. Same year the police shoots demonstrators, wich start the Soweto uprising. Young people begin to arrive at prison, showing that many young africans are now fighting against apartheid.

Again prison conditions are becomming better. In 1979 the prisoners are allowed to watch movies and buy news papers.

1982 Nelson is removed from Robben Island Prison to Pollsmore Prison. Her he gets a better cell, a open air terrasse for day acitivities, radio and better food. He is now known all over the world and South Africa is being boycotted by the western democracies.

He also receives visitors – among others – his wife (after 21 years) and british officials. They still want to set him free, but on terms he can’t agree with. 1985 the South African president offers him freedom, if he gives up violence as a political weapon. Nelson replies, that it cant be done, as long as the government is violent it self.

Things develop in the international community. Nelson gets operated, and when returning, he is offered a three room cell. The Minister Of Justice visits him after an exchange of letters. Slowly he is being allowed to have different excursions out into the city, being guarded, but not recognized. People haven’t seen him on photos for 21 years.

Free at last” 0,7 pages

1988 he has more meetings with government officials. It’s about the ANC and its politics. The debate about democracy is ended by the officials denying any kind of equal voting rights between blacks and whites. 70 years old Nelson is moved to Victor Verster Prison. Here there is a house with a swimming pool inside the prison. He aslso gets a cook and good livings conditions in general. He is known all over the world, and the authorities are afraid to do anythiung than treat him better.

1989 president De Klerk releases friends of Mandela. The international pressure increases dramatically when the USA joins the boycots. Large movements now work directly for Mandelas release. The 11. of February Nelson Mandela is released from prison after 10.000 days (27 years) in prison. The next election he becomes the president of South Africa.

At Youtube

Apartheid explained”.

The Specials: ”Free Nelson Mandela”.

Nelson Mandelas Lifestory”.

John Pilger: ”Apartheid did’nt die”.

Fordybelsesområde: Northern Ireland (12,5 ns)

Meebook forløb: ”Ireland and Northern Ireland” 0,5 page.

A small text explaining how the conflict of Northern Ireland is not easy to understand. Because Northern Ireland is a split society, many think that it is solely a question about catholics versus protestants. But there is more to it. Great Britain sees Northern Ireland as a part of its colonial history and therefor wants to keep peace and control – besides from wanting to support the protestants. The Northern irish catholics sees Northern Ireland as a part of irish culture. They would like Northern Ireland to be a part of Ireland. But at the same time, you have catholics and protestants who feel 100% Northern Irish. How can one solve a collective political problem that is threefold?

The Troubles” text in short 0,5 page.

A short and compriced text that explains the history of the conflict – going from the protestant settlers back in the 15 century up to the conflict of modern age.

History Slides One and Two 1 page.

Twelve slides that depict the historical development from eraly times up til today. Check the slides at the Meebook project “Northern Ireland”. They are also exhibited in the classroom.

Writing a poem about Northern Ireland 0,5 page.

A small text about how to write a poem including an example of an english written poem about Northern Ireland.

I read the news today oh boy” 1 page.

A series of text clips from the Northern Irish newspapers telling about terrorist attacks, riots, police, soldiers, bombs, snipers and conflictual incidents.

Proved innocent” 4 pages.

Section from the novel, “In the name of the father”, that was made a movie in the early nineties.

It is based on a real life story about Gerry Conlon who in the period where the british soldiers shot on sight who they thought could be IRA-members, terrorists and suspects – is being accused of blowing up a pub in London. His father is also put to jail, where he dies. Jerry Conlon is freed at last, but the unjustice of it all and his fathers dead is a dreadfull evidence of the british conduct in Northern Ireland.

The Sniper” 3,5 pages.

The story is from the civil war in Ireland, but is also a good example of, how a split society also splits up families and friends. It is about a shootout between two snipers on two roof tops. One of them wins by tricking the other, and when wanting to go home after the shoot out, he decides to check the others corpse, lying in the street. It turns out to be his brother.

Youtube Videos in the Meebook project “Northenr Ireland”:

A Brief but difficult story of Northern Ireland”.

An old broadcast about The Troubles”.

Fordybelsesområde: Being Young with an Amazing Mind (8 ns)

Brain Power” 1. page.

Five quotes about the brain. The best is: “The hardest thing to understand, is why we can understand anything at all”.

Your amazing brain” 0,5 pages.

A text about the brains size, weight, functions, neurons, amount of cells, thought pathways and more. An important quote:”More electrical impulses are generated in one day by a single human brain than by all the telephones in the wolrd”.

If Brian Thompson’s Brain could Talk to his Mind (and Body)” 2 pages.

A small story about what Brians body and stomach would like Brian to do, instead of eating donuts and candy, smoking cigarettes, staying up all night, play computer etcetera.

It alls about, what is required for the brain to funtion at its best – and most things young people do, do not fit their brains.

Whiz Kids” 1 page.

William is a “Whis kid”. He writes us a letter wherin he tells about how it is to be more intelligent than most other his age. He is tired of being mistreated by the educational system. Even skipping classes does not help, and at special educational programe for highly gifted children he is also disappointed. All learning is the same: Teachers just run throug the subjects without letting the clever kids be involved, be creative and using their minds to their limits.

Howard Gardners seven types of Intelligence” (What kind of smart) 1,5 pages.

A text that explains Howard Gardners theory about the eight forms of intelligences, that humans have.

The text presents the main traits of the different kinds of intelligences, such as: Picture smart (good at images), Word smart (good at languages), Math smart (good at math), body smart (good at sports and dance), Music smart (good at music), People smart (god at social relations), Self smart (being wise and insightfull).

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” 2 pages.

A text about a boy named Christopher who has Aspergers Syndrome. He therefor thinks quite differently than other people. He has a teacher, Siobhan, who has taught him to use ‘Smileys’ us a reference frame for understanding facial expressions.

The text is also about all sorts of languae expressions that are hard to understand for a boy with Aspergers Syndrome. For example: “I laughed my socks of”.


Areas of the brain”

How the brain works”

How does multible intelligence work.

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