Opgivelser, engelsk 9z 2016.
Northern Ireland
“Northern Ireland – Territory and Troubles. Engstrøm og Albertsen, 1. udg. 2. opl. 2001, Full House/ Kaleidoskop:
- “Two different lifestyles in the Northern Irish community” David – Seamus. 0,5 ns.
- “Under Goliath”: ” 1 -The fight”, ” 2 – No Water”, “3 – A Wee Walk”, “4 – The Rat”, “5 – In Enemy Territory” og “6 – Friends Again?” (uddrag) 8 ns.
“Blue Cat” Reader. Brick-Hansen m.fl. Gyldendal Uddannelse, 1 udg. 2. opl. 2000:
- “The Potato People” (uddrag) 2,5 ns.
- “The Sniper”. 2,5 ns.
Film: “In the name of the Father”
The United States of America
“English of Today #5, Gyldendal”:
- “All Yankees are liars” 3 ns.
- “Arrangement in Black and White” 3 ns.
“Passport to The USA”, Commard-Jensen, 1. udg. 5. opl. 2010. Alinea:
- “Free America” s. 2 ns.
- “The Wild West” 1,8 ns.
- “Wheels” 1,2 ns.
“Blue Cat” Reader. Brick-Hansen m.fl. Gyldendal Uddannelse, 1 udg. 2. opl. 2000:”Arriving in New York” 4 ns.
Another Way of Life
“The Declaration of Human Rights” og “Human Rights” i “Human Rights”, Tajo-Jenner oog Junge Nielsen, Gyldendal, 1 udg. 2 opl. 2013. 2,5 ns.
“Blue Cat” Reader. Brick-Hansen m.fl. Gyldendal Uddannelse, 1 udg. 2. opl. 2000.:
- “Who are the Amish” 0,5 ns.
- “Amish Adventure” 5 ns.
Freedom and Civil Rights Fighters
“I have a Dream” (uddrag) M. L. King. 2 ns.
“The Story of Nelson Mandela” (uddrag) 4 ns.
“Passport to The USA”, Commard-Jensen, 1. udg. 5. opl. 2010. Alinea:
“The Underground Railroad. 2 ns.
“Martin Luther King, Jr. And the Civil Rights Movement” 1,5 ns.
Film: “Goodbye Bafana”