På engelsk bruges pausekomma – dvs., man sætter komma, hvor det er naturligt at lave ophold i talen.
Der sættes komma:
- Efter biordsled (adverbialled), der indleder en sætning: If you are in Copenhagen, come and see me.
- Ved opremsninger: I would like to visit Germany, Australia and Indonesia. OG: I spent the evening reading, cleaning, doing the dishes, and talking to my brother on the phone. (Bemærk kommaet før og).
- Foran direkte tale: After some time she said, “Will you leave her?”
- Omkring indskudte sætninger: The king, who was wearing his amour, was also present.
- Omkring biord: However, my father was happy to be there. OG: She had, surprisingly, kept her focus all the time.
Der sættes semikolon:
- Mellem sætninger som er indholdsmæssigt forbundne: Some people love weekends; others love their day-to-day routines. OG: It is a good idea; let us hope it is working.
Der sættes kolon:
- Foran opremsning: We need four kinds of support: emotinal, economic, political and moral.
- Foran en nærmere forklaring: We had to stop working: the plans were not suited.
Der sættes anførselstegn:
Foroven: “Your information”, I replied, “is out of date”!
Der sættes apostrof:
Ved sammentrækning som erstatning for bogstaver: Can’t = can not, They´re = They are, We´d = We had eller We would.