Stedord (pronomener) betyder ikke noget i sig selv, men står i stedet for et navneord – og ofte et grundled.
Personlige stedord kender du fra, når vi bøjer udsagns-ord, f.eks.:
- person ental: I (jeg)
- person ental: You (du)
- person ental: He, she, it (han, hun, den/det)
- person flertal: We (vi)
- person flertal: You (I)
- person flertal: They (de)
Refleksive stedord viser tilbage til sætningens subjekt, f.eks:
- person ental: I hurt myself.
- person ental: You hurt yourself.
- person ental: He hurt himself. She hurt herself. The dog hurt itself.
- person flertal: We hurt ourselves.
- person flertal: You hurt yourselves.
- person flertal: They hurt themselves.
Gensidige stedord svarer på dansk til hinanden og hverandre. f.eks.:
- They like each other.
- We love each other’s dogs.
Ejestedord udtrykker ejerforhold i forhold til hver enkelt personlige stedord. F.eks.:
- person ental: My room is warm
- person ental: Your car is fast.
- person ental: His hair is long. Her hair is short. The dog lost its bone.
- person flertal: Our parenst are strict.
- person flertal: Your sisters are beautiful.
- person flertal: Their husbands are hard working.
Påpegende stedord svarer til ordene den, det, denne, dette, den, de, disse og dem.F.eks.:
- In this house we do not talk like that.
- These potatoes look smaller than those.
- This is better.
- That was the best.
- Who is that speaking?
- This is my website – like it or not!
Relative stedord bruges i bi/ledsætninger efter helsætninger, der består af hovedord. F.eks.:
- The woman who left is my aunt.
- The train which is late is old.
Who, whom og whose, f.eks.:
- The man who invented the machine was Vonnegut.
- This is Mr. Winton, who is actually quite clever.
- The class whose pupils are keen on grammar like to work in silence.
Which, f.eks.:
- No one remebers the game which he once won.
That, f.eks.:
- Was this the man that I had read so much about?